Page 18 - Book #5 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 18

Everyday English

        What's the matter?

        9  Complete the sentences with words from the boxes.
               tired   hungry             cold    bored

                 <ID                   ..   0   ~

                   0                  0

           I  I'm  tbirsty      2  I'm   ----         3  I'm  _ _ _  _      4  I'm   ----         5  I'm  ___ _

          I hot     worried   angry    a headache   a cold
              ,   /
            - 0,

              /  \

          6  I'm  _ __ _        7  I have  ___  _     8  I'm  ___ _         9  I have  ___ _      10 I'm   ----

        10 rtl  Match a line in A with a line in B.

            A                 B                                      A             B
            1  I'm thirsty.   a  D Why don't you take some aspirin7   6  I'm hot.   f  D Why don't you go for a swim?
            2  I'm hungry.    b  D Why don't you have an early night?   7  I'm bored.   g o With me? Oh, dear l  What oid I do?
                              c  IT]  Here! Have some water l
            3  I'm cold.                                            8  I'm angry.   h  D Read this book. It's brilliant!
                              d  D Well, why don't we go out and have
            4  I have a headache.   something to eat?                9  I'm worried.   i  D Well, take some aspirin and go to bed!

            5  I'm tired.    e  D Put on my jumper! It's lovely and warm l   10  I have a cold.  j  D What's new? You're always worried!

     80  Unit 13  •  Here and now
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