Page 13 - Book #5 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 13
2 Nigel and his family are on holiday in Spain. Nigel is
talking with his boss, Bill, on his mobile phone.
I'~I.I Listen to and read the conversation. Read the sentences.
He wears a suit for work.
He's wearing a T shirt.
Which sentence is about now'
Which is true day after day but not now?
~ Grammar Reference 13.2 p129
3 How many true sentences can you make about NigeJ's
holiday? Compare with your partner.
Nigel enjoying the holiday.
talking to Bill.
Karen is
calling Nigel.
Bill isn't staying in a hotel.
The children are wearing a suit.
raining in Spain.
It aren't
swimming in the pool.
They relaxing.
4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions
about Nigel's holiday.
1 Are they ... a good time?
2 Where ... staying?
3 What ... the children doing?
4 What ... Karen doing?
Nigel Hello.
S What ... Nigel doing?
Bill Nigel, it's Bill, sorry to call you about work. 6 Is he ... a suit?
N Oh, hi Bill! That's OK. 7 Why ... Bill calling?
B First things first, are you having a good time? "id Listen and check.
N Yes, we are. We're having a great time. S Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present
BAre YOll staying in a hotel? Simple or Present Continuous.
N No, we're not. We're staying in a house with a Nigel lives (live) in a house in London, but
swimming pool near the beach. now he 's staying (stay) in a house by the sea.
B Wonderful. And your family? Are they enjoying it? 2 He usually (wear) a suit but today
N Oh, yes. The kids are swimming in the pool right he (wear) shorts.
now. Can you hear them? 3 He never (relax) at work but now
B I can. And are you and your wife relaxing? he (relax) by the pool.
N We are. We're sitting by the pool. Karen's 4 Karen (work) in a shop, but today
sunbathing, and I'm reading a lot. And I'm not she (enjoy) her holiday.
wearing a suit and tie, just shorts and a T-shirt.
S The children (work) hard at school
B You're lucky. It's raining again here. Now, I'm
but today they (swim) in the pool.
calling about work ...
6 It often (rain) in England and
N OK Bill, what's the problem?
it (rain) there now.
B Well ...
Unit 13 • Here and now 99