Page 16 - Book #5 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 16
This week is different
Questions and answers
1 Make the questions. 1 How do very rich people spend their time and money?
What don't they do? Compare ideas with the class.
1 you/wear/a new jumper?
They often have very big, expensive cars.
Are you wearing a new jumper?
They don't travel by public transport.
2 we/learn/Chinese?
3 we/sitlin a classroom?
2 Read the introduction to the TV programme The Secret
4 you/listen/to the teacher? Millionaire. What do the millionaires do in the programme?
Why are they called secret millionaires'
S the teacher/wear/blue trousers?
6 all the students/speak/English?
7 you/leam /a lot of English?
8 it/rain today?
Stand up. Ask and answer the questions.
Are you wearing a
new jumper? No, I'm not.
It's really old.
A photo of you
The Secret Millionaire is a'programme on TV's Channer 4.
2 Bring a photograph of you to class. Every week a different millionaire leaves his or her
Say ...
comfortable, expensive home and lives and works for ten
• where you are.
days with people who aren't rich and need help. The
o what you're doing.
people don't know who he or she is.
o who you're with.
They ar~ecret millionaires'.
o what you're wearing.
Check it
3 Tick (,f) the correct sentence.
1 0 I'm wear a blue shirt today.
0 I'm wearing a blue shirt today.
2 0 Where are you going?
0 Where you going?
3 0 Peter no working this week.
0 Peter isn't working this week.
4 0 That's Peter over there. He talks
to the teacher.
0 That's Peter over there. He's
talking to the teacher.
S 0 Heidi is German. She comes
from Berlin.
0 Heidi is German. She's coming
from Berlin.
6 0 Why aren't you having a coffee?
o Why you no having a coffee?
100 Unit 13 • Here and now