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P. 15
Reading Vocabulary
Today's different Opposite verbs
7 rt1 Read about Isabe! and Mark. Answer the questions. 8 rt1 Complete the sentences with the opposite verb
in the correct form.
Today is different!
1 A Hi, Dave! Are you leaving the party already?
B Actually, I'm just arriving!
"On Saturday mornings I usually get up
late and do the housework. Then I meet
some friends in town for lunch, and go 2 A Why are you selling your house in London?
shopping in the afternoon. In the evening B Because we're _____ a house in the
I go to the cinema, or go to a party .••
But this Saturday is different! 3 A I love Italians. TIley're so passionate!
Today Isabel is getting married. She got B I love them, too. But I pasta!
up early and put on her wedding dress.
Now she's in church with all her family and
4 A Can we go now? I'm bored.
friends. She's wearing a white dress, and
B No! J want ! It's really
her new husband is standing next to her.
5 A Can I ask a question'
Mark "On Christmas Day we usually all go to my B Sure. But I'm not sure if! can
parents' house. We open our presents, then
_ ____ it.
have a big lunch at about 2.00. After that
we play games and watch TV.··
6 A Hi, Ben! Do you want to play golf today?
But this Christmas is different! B Sorry! I'm _____ . Another day.
Mark and his wife, Donna, are in Australia, and it's summer.
They're having Christmas with Donna's parents, 7 A What time do you start work?
who are Australian. This morning B 90' dock.
they went swimming, and noW
A And what time __ you _____ ?
they're having a barbecue
B 5.30 in the afternoon.
and cooking lunch on
the beach. It's hot, and
8 A What's the score'
they're wearing shorts.
B 3-\.
A Are we winning?
B No, we're _ _ __ _
What does Isabel usually do on Saturdays?
2 What is special about today?
9 A Excuse me! Can you open the door for me'
3 Where is she?
B With pleasure!
4 What did she do this morning?
A That's very kind. And can you _____ it
5 What is she wearing?
after me?
6 What does Mark usually do on Christmas Day? B Of course I
7 Where is he today? Why?
8 What did they do this morning? 10 A My computer isn't working.
9 What are they doing now? B Well, turn it off, wait a minute, then __ it
10 What are they wearing' __ again. That usually works.
Unit 13 • Here and now 79