Page 53 - Book #5 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 53

L  Yeah, OK. A sandwich. A cheese sandwich?  II!IJ  In a restaurant        3  What's he doing?
         A  Er ... I don't have any cheese. Sorry.  I have   W  = Waiter, L :::;  Liam, M = Maddy   He's  having a shower after work.
           some ham. Would you like a ham sandwich?   W  Are you  ready to order?   4  What's she doing?
         L  I don't like ham.                 L  Well, I am. Are you ready Maddy?     She's writing an email  to her mother.
         A  Would you like some cake. then?   M  Yes,  I am. What's the soup of the day?   S  What's she doing?
         L  Yes,  please. J(llove some.       W  French onion soup.                   She's skiing in France.
                                              M  Lovely.  I'd like the French onion soup to   6  What's she doing?
         OlD  It's my birthday!
                                                 start, please.                       She's eating a strawberry ice-cream.
         A  Hey, isn't it your birthday soon?
                                              W  And to follow?                     7  What are they doing?
         B  Yeah. next week on the  15th.     M  I'd  like the salmon salad with some chips   They're running fast.
         A  So, what would YOLl  like for your birthday?
                                                 on the side.                       S  What are they doing?
         B  I don't know. I don't need anything.
                                              W  Thank you. And you sir? What would   They're danCing at a party.
         A  But,  la like to buy you something.
                                                 you like?                          9  What are they doing?
         B  111at's ki.nd but I think I'd  like to forget my
                                              L  Er - IQ like the tomato and mozzarella   They're playing golf in the rain.
           birthday this year.
         A  What? You don't want any presents! Why   salad, followed by the hamburger and chips.   IIID  Nigel at work
                                              W  Would you like any side orders?
           not?                                                                     Nigel is a businessman. He works from 9
         B  Well, I'm 30 next week and that feels old.   L  No, thank you. Just the hamburger.   o'clock to 5.30 every day.  He always wears a
                                              W  And to drink?
         A  30 isn't old. Come on. I'd  like to take you                            suit and tie for work.  He usually has lunch
                                              M  Sparkling water for me please. What about
           out for a meal with some friends. You can                                at his desk at one oUock. He arrives home at
                                                 you Liam?
           choose the restaurant.                                                   about seven o'clock every evening and he reads
         B  OK, then. Thank you.  I'd like that. Just don't   L  ll1e same for me. We'd  like a bottle of   to his children before they go to bed. He often
                                                 sparkling water, please.
           teU anyone it's my birthday.                                             feels very tired at the end of the day.
         A  Oh, that's silly!                 W  Fine.  I'll bring the drinks immediately.   iIID seep99
                                              IIIII!J Signs all around
         IIlIJ  Birthday wishes
                                              I  Hey, look! That lovely red jumper is only   DID  Questions about Nigel
         Kelly  What would I like for  my birthday?   £ \9.99 now.
              That's easy! la like to have breakfast in                             1  Are they having a good time?
                                              2  Oh, no.  I put my money in before I saw the   Yes,  they are.
              bed. With the newspapers. And in the
              evening I'd like to go to the theatre.                                2  Where are they staying?
                                              3  Can you tell me where the toilets are, please?
         Mike  Well, I'd like a new computer, because my   4  This is our table. It has our name on it.   They're staying in a with a swimming
              computer is so old that new programs   S  I'm not waiting. There are so many people.   pool near the beach.
              don't work on it. And then in the evening   6  Which floor is our room on? Is it the 6th   3  W hat are the children dOing?
              I'd like to go to a good restaurant. I don't   or 7th?                  They're swimming in  the pool.
              mind if it's Italian, French, Chinese or   7  Oh, dear we're too late. It doesn't open again   4  What's Karen doing?
              English. Just good food.          until Monday now.                     She's sunbathing.
         Jade  I'd love a new mobile phone.  My   S  I'm sorry, but you can't walk  here. Didn't   S  What's Nigel doing?
              mobile is so old now.  I'd  like one that   you see the sign on the gate?   He's talking on the phone.
              takes good photos, your phone has a                                   6  Is he wearing a sui t?
              really good camera and it wasn't that                                   No, he isn't.
              expensive. And in the evening I'd like   F   UNIT 13
              to go out with all  my fr iends and have a   117                      7  Why is  Bill calling?
              great time!                                                             Because he has a problem.
                                              IIID Clothes
        mu seep9l                                                                  IIIIJ This week is different
                                               I  a jumper           7  trainers   C= Colin, R = Roger, M  = Margaret,
        IIID  Listening and pronunciation      2  a shirt and tie    8  a jacket   CW  = Colin's wife, CS = Colin's sons,
                                               3  a T-shirt and shorts   9  a scarf
         1  A  What would you like? Would you like a                                B = boys in the hostel
                                               4  a skirt           10  boots
             Coke?                                                                 Conversation 1
           B  Yes, please. I'm very thirsty.   5  a dress           11  a suit
                                               6  shoes and socks    12  trousers   C   Hello, I'm Colin.
         2  A  What sort of thing do you like doing at                              R   Hi, Colin. Lovely to meet you. This is my
             the weekend?                     II1II What are they wearing?             wife Margaret.
           B  Well, I like watching films.    I  Nigel's wearing a grey suit and a white shirt.   M   It's very good of you to come and help us.
                                                He's reading his emails.
         3  A  What sort of flat do you want to move                               C   I'm pleased to be here.
                                              2  Lily's  wearing a yellow T-shirt and white
             into?                                                                 Conversation 2
           B  Well  ...                         trainers. She's running.           C   That's much better. Now, read  it again.
           C  WeCllike a flat with two bedrooms.   3  Rick's wearing blue jeans and a red jumper.   B   711ere  was a  nUlI1 who work -ed,  worked
                                                He's  playing the guitar.
             Somewhere near the centre.                                                hard and his busi- busi
                                              4  Eva's wearing a green jacket and brown
        4  A  We have this weekend  free. What would                               C   Business
                                                boots. She's carrying a black bag.
             you like to do?                                                       B   ...  his business became very suc - suc -
                                              S  Pollyand Penny are wearing yellow dresses
           B  I'd like to have  the weekend with you,   and blue shoes. They're eating ice-cream.   cess - ful, successful!
             and only YOLl!                                                        C   Great.  You're doing well.
           A  Oooh!                           0iIJ seep97                          Conversation 3
        S  A  What do you spend all  your money on?   IIID  Asking questions       C   Hello, darling.
           B  Well,  I like new clothes. I buy new   I  What's he doing?           C\V  Colin!  How are you? We're all missing you.
             clothes every week.                                                   . C   I'm missing you too but I'm  having a good
                                                He's cooking dinner for  friends.
                                                                                       time. It's very interesting here. Roger and
                                              2  What's he doing?
                                                                                       Margaret are wonderful people.
                                                He's driving to London.
                                                                                                  Tapescripts  12.5-13.8  121
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