Page 51 - Book #5 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 51
A Oh, great! Did you go out in the evening? 5 A The party on Saturday was great! 3 D I want to visit the British Museum.
R No, I didn't. I cooked a meal for my sister. B Oh, good! What time did you leave? What time does it open?
A Mmm! W hat did YOll have? A Three in the morning. The music was A It opens at 10.00 in the mornin g and
R Roast beef. It was deliciolls! What about fantastic! closes at 5.30 in the evening.
you Angie? Did you have a good weekend? B Did YOll dance? D How much is it to get in?
A Of course! All night! A It's free!
WD p73
III!D Jack and Millie's holiday
IIID Angie's weekend
J= Jack, M = Millie
A = Angie, R = Rick Er UNIT 11
J Well, we usually go on holiday in
R What about you Angie? Did you have a
good weekend?
M Yes, usually we go to Italy for our holidays,
A Oh yes, I did, very good. DID
don't we?
R What did you do on Saturday? Marcus is an interpreter. He can speak
J But last year we did something different.
A WeU, on Saturday morning I went French and German fluently.
We had a holiday in winter, and we went to
shopping. Then on Saturday evening I went Colorado, in America. 2 Laura is an architect. She can draw well.
to a party. ft was great! 3 Justin is a pilot. He can fly 747 jumbo jets.
M Because we wanted to learn to ski, you see,
R Who did you see at the party? 4 George is a farmer. He can drive a tractor.
and we wanted a change. In Italy we always
A Oh, one or two old friends. stay in a villa. . S Lola is an athlete. She can run very fast.
R Did you go out on Sunday? J ... but in Aspen, Colorado we stayed in a 6 Oliver is a schoolboy. He can use a
A Oh no, I didn't. I didn't go out because I computer really well.
very nice hotel, and because we were in a
was too tired. I stayed at home most of hotel, we had all our meals in restaurants. 7 Margaret is Oliver's grandmother. She can
the day. make fantastic cakes.
M And that's very special for us. In ltaly we
R Did you do anything on Sunday evening?
cook at home in the villa. But in Colorado III!I IIID see pSI
A No, I didn't do much. I just watched a film
we went to a different restaurant every
on TV. I didn't go to bed late. About 11.00. IIIII Of course I can!
D = Dominique, 0 = OHver
(I[iJJ see p73 J In Italy, because it's summer and it's D Can you use a computer, Oliver?
hot, we go swim ming in the swim ming
IIIII Making conversation pool, and sit in the sun, and I play tennis o Yes, of course I can. All my friends can.
I use a computer at home in my bedroom
1 I went shopping yesterday. sometimes.
and we use computers at school all the
Really? What did you buy? M Jack loves his tennis, don't you darling?
2 We went to that new Italian restaurant last J I do, but of course last year in Colorado we time.
night. learned to ski, so we went skiing every day. D That's great. What other th ings can you do?
Mmm! ,.yhat did you have? And Millie, you went ice-skating, didn't you? o ,.yeil, I can run fast, very fast, an d I can
3 We saw a lot of our friends in the coffee bar. M We both went ice-skating! draw a bit. I can draw really good cars but 1
Oh! Who did you see? J That's right! It was great fun! In Italy in the can't drive them of course! J can draw good
4 I played tennis at the weekend. evening, we usually play cards or read. planes, too. When I'm big I want to be a
Oh, really? Where did you play' M . but last year in Colorado we went out pilot and fly 747s.
5 The party on Saturday was great! every night, and we met lots of lovely D Excellent. Now, I know you can speak
Oh, good! What time did you leave? people, didn't we? French. did. We had a really good time. o Yes, 1 can. I can speak French fluently
mD Making conversation because my dad's French. We sometimes
M And we have a good time in Italy, too,
1 A I went shopping yesterday. speak French at home.
don't we?
B Really? Where did you go? D Can YOll speak any other languages?
Mmm, we're very lucky.
A Oxford Street. o No, I can't. r can't speak German or
B Oh! What did you buy? Spanish, just French - and English of
A Well, I wanted a new coat, and 1 went 1 Last year Jack and Millie didn't go on course! And J can cook! I can make cakes.
into Selfridges. holiday in su mmer. They went in winter. My grandma makes fantastic cakes and I
B Did you fi nd one? 2 They d idn't go to Italy. They went to sometimes help her. Yesterday we made a
A Yes, I did. r found a beautifu l black one. Colorado. big chocolate cake!
It was only £50! 3 They stayed in a hotel. They didn't stay in l1[li Pronunciation
2 A Tom and I went to that new Italian a villa. 1 I can ski quite welL
restaurant last night. 4 They didn't eat at home. 'n1ey ate in 2 She can't speak German at all.
B Mmm! What did you have? restaurants. 3 He can speak English fluently.
A Well, I had pasta and Tom had pizza. 5 They went skiing. They didn't go swimming. 4 Why can't you come to my party?
mm 5 We can't understand our teacher.
B Did you enjoy it?
A Very much. And it wasn't expensive.
A Hello. Can I help you? ~ey-ean read music.
3 A We saw a lot of our friends in the B Yes. Can I have a map of the City, please? 7 Can I have an ice-cream, please?
coffee bar. A Of course. Here you are. 8 Can cats swim?
B Oh! Who did you see? B Can you show me where we are on the
IIII:J Jenni Spitzer
A Angie and Rick and some other friends map?
from work. A Yes. We're here in Regent Street in the I live in the city of Tu cum an. I teach Engl ish.
B I don't think I know them. city centre. I can speak Spanish fluently and German a
little bit.
A They're very nice.
2 C 'Ne want to go on a bus tour of the city.
4 A I played tennis at the weekend .. A That's fine. The next bus leaves at 10.00. I love it here. Saturday night is dancing night
B Oh, really? Where did you play? It takes about an hour and a half. and I go dancing with friends. A lot of my
A In the park. It was lovely. It was so sunny. C Where does the bus go from? friends can play the guitar really welL I can't
play a musical instrument but I can dance
B 'What a great thing to do on a Sunday A It goes from Trafalgar Square, but you
morning! can get on and off when you want. very well. I love the music. On Sundays I often
Tapescripts 10.4-11.6 11'