Page 52 - Book #5 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 52

go riding here. I can ride quite well now. Or   go to my son's house and I use his computer.
       sometimes I watch friends playing golf. I can't   It's fantastic - the supermarket brings all my   ,  UNIT 12
        play golf but I like watching it. Sunday is also   shopping to my home.  I want a computer
       the day for 'asado' or barbecues. We always   now.  I want to send emails to my friends.
                                                                                  IIiD  What can you do where?
       cook beef, I can't cook at all  but I want to   Most of my friends have computers.
       learn. It's a great life here, everyone is really                          I  You can buy a magazine in a newsagent's.
                                             IIIIl!J  Adjectives and nouns        2  You can buy bread, milk,  fruit, and meat in
                                             I  A  A Ferrari is a fan tastic car.  It's so fast.   a supermarket.
       IIID Requests and offers                B  Yeah, I know, but it's also so expensive.   3  You  can get US dollars from a bank.
        I  A  Can I help you?                2  A  How tall is your brother?      4  You call buy stamps and send a parcel in a
          B  Yes,  please. I want to buy this postcard.                             post office.
                                               B  He's very tall,  1.9 metres. I'm only
       2  A  Can you tell  me the time, please?   1.7 metres.                     5  You  can buy a dictionary in a bookshop.
                                                                                  6  You can get a medium latte in a coffee shop.
         B  It's about three thirty.
                                             3  A  I think motor racing is a really dangerous
                                                                                  7  You can buy shampoo and conditioner in a
       3  A  Can you come to my party?           sport.                             chemist's.
         B  Sorry. I can't. It's my grandma's birthday   B  r know it's dangerous but it's exciting too.
            on Saturday.                         That's why I love it!            II1II  Saying what you want
                                                                                  1  Adam  Good morning.  ICIlike some ham,
       4  A  Can I have a glass of water,  please?   4  A  Can I have a fresh orange juice, please?
         B  Yes, of course. Here you are.      B  I'm afraid we don't have fresh.          please.
                                                                                     B     How much would you like?
                                               A  OK. Just a glass of water then.
       5  A  Can you speak more slowly, please?
                                                                                     Adam  Four slices.
         B  I'm sorry. Is this better? Can you   5  A  New York is a very cosmopolitan city.
                                                                                     B     \,\fould YOll  like anything else?
            understand me now?                   I love it.
                                                                                     Adam  Yes,  I'd  like some cheese.  Do you
       6  A  Can I give you a lift?            B  Me too. I can't believe I'm here.        have any Emmental?
         B  Oh, yes please! That's so kind of you!   6  A  Charlie Chaplin made some very funny   B   I'm afraid we don't have any
                                                 films, don't you think?                   Emmental. What about Gruyere?
       DIll seep84
                                               B  No.  I don't like his films. I think they're   Adam  No, thank you. Just the ham then.
       IIID  What do you do on the Internet?     really boring.                            How much is  that?
       1  Charlotte, age 14                  7  A  We can't go for a walk, it's too cold and   2  C   Can I help you?
         I use the Internet a lot. Every day,  I think.   wet.                      Adam  Yes,  please, I'd  like some shampoo.
         It helps me with my homework. I 'google'   B  Yes,  we can. Look it's sunny again!   C   We  have lots. Would  you like it for
         for information or I use Wikipedia.  It helps   Come on!                          dry or normal hai r?
         me with everything, history, geography,                                    Adam  Dry, I think.
                                             iIIIII  Everyday problems
         science, English - er everything.  Yesterday                               C      OK. Try this one. Anything else?
         I got a lot information about Jane Austen.   1  A  Excuse me! Can you help me? I'm lost.   Adam  Er- oh yeah. I don't have any
                                               B  Where do you want to go?
       2  Laurcn, age 20                                                                   conditioner. ICIlike some
                                               A  Grand Central Station.
         I go on Facebook a lot, sometimes three                                           conditioner for dry hair, please.
                                               B  Turn left onto Park Avenue.  It's straight
         or four times a day. It's a great way to hear                              C      Yes, of course. lllat's £6.90 please.
                                                 011.  You  can't miss  it.
         aJJ  your friends'  news and see all  their
                                             2  A  Oh, no!                        mIJ    Where is Adam?
         photographs. Yesterday I posted all the
                                               B  What's the matter?                0      Is that all?  The Times and the two
         photos from my party last weekend. You
                                               A  There's something wrong with my          magazi nes? .
         can see them if you want.
                                                 computer. I can't get on the Internet, so   Adam  Yes, that's all.  Oh, I nearly forgot -
       3  Santiago, age 23                       I can't send my em ails.                  I'd like some stamps, too.
         I play the guitar and I can find  lots of songs
                                               B  Turn everything off and try again. That   D   First or second class?
         on the Internet.  Yesterday r got the words
                                                 sometimes works.                   Adam  First. Two books of first class
         and music for Can't buy me love, you know,                                        stamps, please.
         by the Beatles. I can play it now.  I use the   3  A  Excuse me!  This ticket mach ine doesn't   D   OK. Would you like a bag?
         Internet mostly in the evenings, when I   work.                            Adam  No, thanks. I don't need a bag.
                                               B  Did  you push the green button?
         have time.                                                                 D      That's £9.65.
                                               A  Oh!  No, I didn't.
       4  Alan Krum, age 47                    B  Ah. well.  Here's your ticket.   2  Adam  IQ like a latte, please.
         Well, my surname, -er my family name is   A  111ank you very much.         E      Drink he're or take away?
         Krum and I want to write about my family,                                  Adam  To drink here, please.
         so I use {he Internet to find out about my   4  A  Come on! It's time to go to the airport.
                                              B  But I can't find my passport! I can't find   E   Small, medium or large?
         family's  history. There are special "\vebsites
                                                 it anywhere!                       Adam  Medium, please.
         for this. Also, I can chat to people with the                              E      Would you like something to eat?
         same name from all over the world, Canada,   A  You  put it in your bag.
                                              B  Did I?  Oh, yes.  Here it is! Phew!   Adam  Er - yes.  I'd  like some chocolate
         Germany, Argentina. It's really interesting.
         I usually use it on Sundays because I have   5  A  Are you all  right?     E      Sure. Anything else?       "-
         more time then.                      B  Yes, I think so.                   Adam  That's it, thanks.
                                              A  Does your arm hurt?
       5  Max, age 10
                                              B  It hurts a bit, but I think it's OK.   mD Lily and Adam
         I play games a lot. And I go on websites for
         my favourite pop groups and football players.   6  A  I'm so sorry I'm late.   A= Adam, L ::::  Lily
         I want to be on the computer all the time, but   B  It's OK. The film starts in  15  minutes.   A  \.yhat would you like to drink?
         my mum says I can't. She says I can only use   A  I missed the bus.      L  A juice. IQ like an apple juice, please.
         it after school for an hour, and then I stop.   B  I told you, it doesn't matter. Come on!   A  Er  ... I have some orange juice, but I don't
                                                 Let's go.                          have any apple juice.
       6  Edna, age 71
                                                                                  L  Don't worry. Orange juice is fine. Thanks.
         I go on the Internet. Every Friday I
                                                                                  A  \Vould you like something to eat?
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