Page 74 - Book #2 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 74

Sten  What about Stanley Park?       3  Diana Spencer was born in  Sandringham,   3  Yesterday was a lovely day so I went for a
        D    Great, r love that Park!  The mountains   England, in  1961.            walk in the park.
             look fantastic from there.      4  Andy Warhol was born in  1928 in   4  Usually I walk but yesterday I went to work
        Steve  Come on then! Let's get the bikes.   Pittsburgh, in  the United States.   by bus.
                                             5  Michael Jackson was born in  1958 in   5  On Saturday night J went to a great party.
       (J]iJ  Directions
                                               Indiana, in the United States.        I had a really good time.
          Go up North Road. Turn left at the bank
                                             7  Marilyn Monroe was born in  1926 in   6  I did a lot of e..xercise yesterday.  I went to
          into Charles Street.  It's on the right next to   Los Angeles, in the United States.   the gym.
          the theatre.                       8  Ayrton Senna was born in  1960 in Sao   7  The party wasn't very good so we went
        2  Go up North Road. Turn right at the school   Paulo,  Brazil.              home early.
          into Hillside Road, and it's on the left  next
          to the chemist's.                  Im seep66                            ma Months of the year
        3  Go up North Road. Turn right at the church                             January  February  March  April  May
                                             IDJ seep67
          into Station Road. Go straight down, and it's                           June  July  August  September  October
         on the right next to the car park.   II!IiI                               November  December
       4  Go straight on up North Road for five   A  Ayrton Senna was an actor.
          minutes, and it's in Albert Square. It's a big                          iDlJ Wl:J  see p71
                                               S  No,  he wasn't! He was a racing driver!
         building on the right.                                                   IDIJ
                                             2  A  Jane Austen was a princess.
       5  Go straight on up North  Road. At the post                              the first of January
                                               B  No, she wasn't!  She was a writer!
         office turn left into Park Lane. It's on the                             the third of March
         right, past the Chinese restaurant.   3  A  Marilyn Monroe and Michae1  Jackson   the seventh of Apri!
                                                 were Italian.
                                                                                  the twentieth of May
                                               B  No, they weren't!  They were American!   the second of June
             UNIT 9                          4  A  Mozart was a scientist.        the twelfth of August
                                               B  No, he wasn't!  He was a musician!   the fiftee nth of November
                                                                                  the thir ty~first of December
                                             5  A  Luciano Pavarotti and Michael Jackson
       IDI Years
                                                 were politicians.                IIIIl Happy Birthday!
       1  nineteen ninety-six                  B  No, they weren't!  They were singers!
       2  nineteen sixteen                                                        Happy Birthday to you!
                                             6  A  Benazir Bhutto was a wriler.   Happy Birthday to you!
       3  two thousand and two
       4  seventeen  ninety~n in e             B  No, she wasn't!  She was a politician!   Happy Birthday, dear Sarah!
       5  eighteen forty                     om                                   Happy Birthday to you!
       6  two thousand and five                                                   Hip hip!  Hooray!
                                             go      went
       IDI seep64                            come    came
                                             have    had
       lID                                   be      was
       Jane Austen                           make    made
       Jane Austen, the English writer, was born in   see   saw                   IIIII Angie's weekend
       1775, in  Hampshire, in the south of England.   buy   bought               Yesterday was Sunday, so I got up late, about
       Luciano Pavarotti                     say     said                         11 .30.  I had a big breakfast, orange juice, toast,
                                             find    found
       Luciallo Pavarotti, the Italian opera Singer, was                          eggs, and coffee. Then I went shopping, just
       born in  1935, in Modena, in the north of Italy.   IDfI Who is Jackson Pollock?   to the supermarket, and I bought some tea,
                                             Teri Horton, a 60~year~0Id lady from Los   some milk, and the Sunday papers. Then I just
       IDI seep64
                                             A ngeJes, went shopping in San  Bernardino, a   stayed at  home for the rest of the day.  In the
       lID seep65                            town in California, USA. She was in a charity   morning I cleaned my flat and in the afternoon
                                             shop when she saw a colourful, modern   I did some work on my computer for a bit,
       lID Magalie Dromard
                                             painting. She bought it for $5.      then in  the evening I watched a film  on TV.
       My name's Magalie.  rt's a French name, but ['m                            I went to bed early, about  11 .00. I was tired.
                                             An art teacher saw the painting and said  it was
       not French. I'm English. I  was born in 1994.                              I had a late night on Saturday.
                                             by the American artist, Jackson PoUock. 'Who
       I have two brothers and a sister. My eldest
       brolher's a doctor. His name's Tristan, and he   is Jackson Pollock?' said Teri. She had no idea   IIIlIJ Regular verbs
       was born in 1985. My sister is also older than   that he was a very famous modern painter.   It I   cooked
                                             Many art experts came to her house to see the
       me.  Her name's Cecilia and she's a teacher, and                                watched
                                             painting. Some said that it wasn't a 'Pollock:
       she was born in  1988. And my little  brother                              Idl   played
       is  Matt, and  he was born in  1996. He's still   but one expert,  Peter Paul Bir6, found  Pollock's   listened
                                             fingerprint on the back.  BirD said, 'This is a
       a student. My father is French. His name's
                                             real Pollock painti ng~              hell  started
       Andre,  he's from Marseille,  and he was born                                   wanted
       in, I think ... 1958. My mother is English, her   A rich businessman was happy to pay
       name's £ 1Ia, she's from Mmlchester, and she   $9 million for it, but Teri said:  'No! I want   mD
       was born in, er ...  1961. My grandmother, who   $50 mmion~                A = Angie, R =  Rick
       is my mother's  mother, is called Edith.  Isn't   In 2007, a Canadian TV company made a film   A  Hi, Rick.  Did  you have a good weekend?
       that a lovely name? She was born in  Bristol   about Teri  and the painting. It is  now for sale   R  Yes,  I did, thanks.
       in .. I'm  not sure,  but r think about 1935.   in an art gallery in  Toronto. Price: $50 million!   A  What did you do yesterday?
                                                                                  R  Well,  I got up early and  I played tennis with
       lID When were they born?              IIm                                    some friends.
       I  Shakespeare was born in  1564 in Stratford~   Yesterday I met my mother at one o'clock   A  You  got up early on Sunday!
         upon ~Avon ,  England.                and we had lunch in a restaurant.   R  Well, yes, it was such a lovely day.
       2  Mozart was born in Salzburg,  Austria,
                                             2  1 hate doing housework but last Sunday 1   A  \<\There did you play tennis?
         in 1756.                              did a lot because my house was a mess.   R  In the park. We had lunch in the cafe there.
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