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P. 78

Conversation 4                                                            mD Pronunciation
        C   Hi. boys!                        F     UNIT 14                        Three syllables
        CS  Dad!  Hi!  VI/e're doing our homework.   17                            photograph    banana
        C   Hey,  that's good. I'm working hard too.                               vegetable     magaZine
                                             om Bill and Gloria's holiday
        es  Are you having a good time?      1  On Sunday they're  flying to London.   interesting   understand
        C   I am. I'm with some reaUy interesting                                  designer      souvenir
                                             2  On Monday they're goi ng to have a bus tour
           people.                                                                assistant
                                               of London.
        CS  Can we  meet them?
                                             3  On Tuesday they're travelling through   mu  Rhymes
        C   Yes,  you can. I'd like you to  meet them.   Belgium and  into Germany.
        es  See you soon, Dad.               4  On Wednesday they're going to drive   some   home   come
        C   Yeah, can't wail!  See you soon!                                       2  goes   knows   does
                                               down the 'Romantic  Road' to the Alps and   3  were   here   her
       OlD O pposite verbs                     Austria.                            4  make   steak   speak
        1  Please don't ask me any more questions,   5  On Thursday they're going to drive over the   5  near   wear   there
          I can't answer them.                 Europa Bridge.                     6  eat   great   wait
        2  I'm selling myoid car, and I'm buying a   6  On Friday they're goi ng to stop in Verona.
                                                                                  II9J Past, Present, and Future
          new one!                             They're going to see Juliet's balcony.
        3  'We always get up at seven in the morning   7  On Saturday evening they're having dinner   Milena Dusek  My parents are divorced.
          and go to bed at eleven at night.    in a bistro in  Paris.               My father is a journalist, and works for a
       4  It was cold, so Tom took otfhis T-shirt and   8  On Sunday morning they're going to   newspaper caUed Blesk.  My  mother works
          put on a warm jumper.                the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa.  In the   as a chef in a restaurant in  the Old Town.
       S  I usually walk to school but yesterday I \vas   evening,  they're  flying back to the US.   I see my falher quite often. He lives nearby.
          late so  I ran all  the way.       mu seepI05                           Georg Reinhardt  I was born in Frankfurt,
       6  John's playing tennis with Peter today.  He                               where I grew up and went to school. I
         always loses.  He never wins.       mu                                     studied architecture at the University of
       7  Don't turn off the TV, I'm watching it!   1  What are they doing on Tuesday?   Munich.  I met Karlotta at university - she
          Please turn it on again!           2  What are they going to do on vVednesday?   was a student of modern languages. Vve
       imI!J                                 3  When are they goi ng to drive over the   moved to  Berlin in 1995.
         A  Would YOll  like an espresso?      Europa Bridge?                     Archie McCrae  I went to Drumchapel  High
                                             4  What are they going to do in Verona?   School. I studied biology, chemistry, and
         B  No, thank you,  I hate black coffee.   5  Where are they having dinner on Saturday?
         A  Do you? I love it.                                                      physics. At school I met Fiona, and we
                                             6  When are they going to the Louvre?   started going out when we were 16. We
       2  C  What time does the film start?   7  When are they flying back to the US?   studied medicine together at the University
         D  6.45.                                                                   of Edinburgh, and we now live in Edinburgh.
         C  And do you know when it fi nishes?   mu Eddie's plans
         D  About 8.30, I think.             F = Friend, E = Eddie                WO
                                             F  What are you doing?               Social expressions 2
       3  E  Would you like to play tennis after work?
                                             E  I'm  planning my holiday.         I  A  Good luck in the exam ! I hope it goes
         F  Sorry,  I can't.  I'm working late again.
                                             F  Oh, where are you going?               well.
       4  G  Our train leaves London at 13.55.   E  I'm going to South Africa.  It's my fi rst time.   B  Thanks.  I'll  do my best.
         H  And what time does it arrive in Paris?   F  Oh you're so lucky!  When are you leaving?   A  See YOlL  later.  Bye!
         G  16.05.                           E  I'm leaving next Monday morning.
         H  ''''0\-\'1 Tllat's fas t.        F  \lVho are you going with?         2  C  Oh, no!
                                                                                    D  Don't worry. It doesn't matter.
       S    Did  YOll  remember to bring your   E  I'm  not going with anyone. Just me and my   C  1'111  so sorry!
            dictionary?                        rucksack.
                                                                                  3  E  Have a good weekend!
            Oh, sorry. I forgot it.          F  Where are YOll  going to stay?
            Not again!                       E  Well, I'm staying with friends in Cape   F  Thanks! Same to you!  What are you
                                               Town. Then I'm going on safari.  I'm going   doi ng?  Anything special?
       6  K  Can I open the window? I'm hot.
                                               to sleep in a tent.                  E  We're going to a birthday party.
         L  Of course. Just remember to close it                                    F  Oh, lovely!
            when you leave the room.         F  Fantastic!  And how are you going to travel?
                                             E  By plane to Cape Town, of course, and then   4  G  Goodbye! Drive carefully!
       iIIIII What's the m atter?              by jeep when I'm on safari.          H  Thanks! I'll  phone you when I arrive.
        I  She's cold.   6  She's bored.     F  By jeep!  How exciting.  And how long are   G  See you again soon!
        2  He's hungry.   7  He's angry.       you going to stay?
                                                                                  5  1  I have a present for you.
        3  They're tired.   8  She's worried.   E  Just two weeks. 1(1  like to stay longer but I
                                                                                    J  For me? Why?
        4  He's thirsty.   9  He has a headache.   can't.  It's too expensive.      I  It's just to say thank-)'ou.
        5  They're hot.   10  She has a cold.   F  How much is it going to cost?    J  TIlat's so kind of you!
                                             E  About £2,000.
       mm Why don't you ... ?                                                     6  K  Bye!  And thanks for everything!
                                             F  Mmmm, that's quite a lot.  Well, have a great
       I  A  \"'hat's the matter?              time.  I can't wait to see your photos.   L  It was a pleasure. We enjoyed having
         B  I'm tired and thirsty.                                                     you.
                                             E  Oh, yes, I'm going to take a lot of photos.
         A  Why don't YOll  have a cup of tea?
         B  That's a good idea.              IImI Pronunciation
         A  Sit down. I'll  make it for you.   Two syllables
                                             pilot         hotel
       2  C  What's the matter?
         D  I have a bad headache.           women         arrive
         C  Oh dear!  Why don't you take some   married    shampoo
                                             chocolate     enjoy
         D  I don't have any.
         C  It's OK.  I have some.
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