Page 71 - Book #2 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 71

B    Oh yes, wc do.  Do you have a wine   iIUJ At a party                IDI seep41
               list?                          F = FIavia, T = Terry                lID Elliot's day
          Colin  Yes, of course. Here it is.   F  Hello.  I'm  Flavia.  Flavia Rossi. What's
                                                                                   He gets up at six oclock and has a shower. He
        3  0   OK, Colin and Anna come l'iere!   your name?                        has breakfast at six forty~five. He leaves home
          Colin  What do you want?            T  Hi Flavia.  I'm Terry.  Terry Adams.   at seven fifteen, and he goes to work by taxi.
          0     J want you to read  it again with   F  Do you work here in  London, Terry?   He has lunch, a Coca Cola  and a sandwich, in
               Anna. OK? You  are Romeo, Anna is   T  Well, I work in  London but I don't live in   his office at one o'clock.  He always works late.
                                                London. I live in Brighton.
               Juliet of course.                                                   He leaves work at eight oclock in the evening.
          Anna  Fine. 'Oh Romeo, Romeo where ..   F  And  what's  your job?        He sometimes buys a pizza and eats it at home.
          D    No, no!  Terrible. You love Romeo,   T  I'm an actor. What's your job, Flavia?  Do   He gets home at nine fifteen. He never goes
                                                you work in London?
               really love him. Again.                                             out in  the evening.  He works at his computer
          Anna  Romeo. Romeo wherefore art thou,   F  Yes,  I do. I work in  a hoteL  A big hotel   until eleven thirty.  He always goes to bed at
                                                near here.
                Romeo ..                                                           eleven forty~five. He watches television in bed.
                                              T  Flavia, YOll  aren't English, but you speak
        4  Mum  Hello'
                                                English very well.  Where do you come   lID
          Colin  Hi. Mum!                       from?
          Mum  Oh hello Colin.  Donald, It's your big   F  I come from  Italy,  from Napoli. Or Naples I   gets up  has  leaves  works  buys
               brother! ... Colin, ho\'·,.  are you?                               goes  watches
                                                think you say.
          CoHn  I'm fine Mum, really fine.                                         lID
                                              T  Ah, Haly.  I love Haly.
          Mum  Do you like your flat?         F  Do you know Naples?               He always works late.
          Colin  Yes, I do but it's a bit small for three   T  No,  I don't  I don't know Naples, but I know   He sometimes buys a pizza.
                people.                                                            He never goes out in  the evening.
                                                Rome.  J like Rome very much. It's very
          Mum  Ah, yes.  It is small.  But do you like   beautiful.                He always goes to bed at eleven forty-five.
                your work?                    F  Naples  is beautiful  too.  Do you speak
          Colin  No,  J don't. Not really.  But I like the   Italian, Terry?       l1:li see p42
                food.                         T  No, I don't.  I speak French but I don't speak  lID Questions and negatives
          Mum  Oh, yes.  Italian food is good.   Italian.                          1  What time does he gel up?
          Colin  Yeah  but  I like your food the best,   F  It's  nice to meet you Terry.   He gets up at six o'clock.
                Mum! It's del icious!
                                              T  You  too.                         2  When does he go to bed?
          Mum  Ooh, thank you Colin. Now, do you                                     He goes to bed at eleven forty~ five.
                want to speak to your brother?   iI!9 iIIlJ  iDI:J  see p39
                                                                                   3  Does  he go to work by taxi?
          Colin  Yes,  of course. Hi  Donald.  It's your   om How much is it?        Yes,  he does.
                                              1  The cheese sandwich is £2.90.     4  Does he have lunch in a restaurant?
        IIII!J  Languages and nationalities   2  The football  is £ 14.              No, he doesn't.
        England           English             3  The iPhone is £90.95.             S  Does he go out in the evening?
        Germany           German              4  The beer is £3.50.                  No, he doesn't.
        Italy             Italian             5  The d ictionary is £7.50.         iD(:)
        Mexico            Mexican             6  The pair of jeans is £50.
                                                                                     When does he leave home?
        Brazil            Brazilian           7  The chocolate is 60p.               He leaves home at 7. 15.
        Japan             Japanese            8  The bag is £44.99.                2  Does he go to work by bus?
        Portugal          Portuguese                                                 No, he goes to work by ta.x.i.
        China             Chinese
                                                                                   3  Where does he have lunch?
         France           French              IF UNIT 6                              He has lunch in his office.
        the United Slates   American          r                                    4  Does he usually work late?
        Spain             Spanish                                                    Yes,  he does, every day.
                                              IDI TI,e time
        II!II What language do they speak?                                         5  Does he eat in a restaurant?
                                               1  It's  nine o'clock.
         1  In Brazil  they speak Portuguese.                                        No, he doesn't.  He eats at home.
                                               2  It's  nine thirty.
         2  In  Canada they speak English and French.                              6  What does he do in the even ing?
                                               3  It's nine forty~ five.
         3  In  France they speak French.                                             He works.  He never goes out.
                                               4  It's ten oclock.
         4  In Germany they speak German.
                                               5  Tt's ten fifteen.                IDII  Lois's Day
         5  In  Italy they speak Italian.      6  It's two oclock.                 Lois Maddox
         6  In Japan they speak Japanese.
                                               7  It'Stwo thirty.                  The seaside artist fills her day with  work,
         7  In Mexico they speak Spanish.      S  It's  two forty~five.            walks, music, and frie nds.
         8  In Egypt they speak Arabic.
                                               9  It's three o'clock.               Lois Maddox is twenty-five and she's an artist.
         9  In Spain  they speak Spanish.     10  It's three fifteen.
         10  In Switzerland  they speak German, French,                            She lives in a small  house by the sea in Cape
           and Italian.                       l1:li scc p40                        Cod, Massachusets. She always gets up late.
                                                                                   at ten oclock in  the morning.  She has a big
        om What's this? Where's it from?      IDI Kim's day                         breakfast, coffee, eggs and  toast - and then
         1  It's an American car.             Kim  WeU, on schooldays I get up at seven   she goes to the beach with her dog. When she
         2  Tt's German beer.                 fortv~five. I have breakfast at eight and I go to   gets home she works in  her studio until seven
         3  They're Spanish oranges.          sch~ol  at eight thirty. I have lunch  in school   oclock in  the evening.  She never eats lunch but
         4  It's a Japanese camera.           with my friends, that's at twelve fifteen  - it's   she always cooks a big dinner and she often
         S  Tt's  Mexican food.               early in our school.  I leave school at th ree thirty   invites friends. After dinner, she usually listens
         6  It's  an  English dictionary.     in the afternoon and I  walk home with my   to music or plays the piano, sometimes she
         7  It's an  Italian  bag.            friends. I get home at fou r thirty,  have tea, and   phones her brother, Elliot, in New York. She
         S  It's  Brazilian coffee.           watch television.  I go to bed at eleven o'clock on   goes to bed very late. at one or two o'clock in
         9  It's French wine.                 schooldays, but later at the weekend, of course!   the morning.
                                                                                                   Tapescripts  5.10-6.11  115
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