Page 79 - English for Construction 1
P. 79

A:   It's  a  construction site, so  there's  a lot  of  § » 3 7
             debris  on the  ground.
         B:   OK, thanks. I'll be  careful.          First  I washed  my  hands.  Then  I  put  on  disposable
                                                     gloves and cleaned  the cut. I  didn't  have  water,  so  I used
         A:   We  had  a break-in last  week.        disinfectant.  Then  I  dried he  cut  w i t h  cotton  w o o l  and
         B:   Is that  w h y we  have  guard dogs  now?  covered  it  w i t h  a plaster.  A n d hat  was  it, all finished.
         A:   Yes,  exactly.
                                                      * 3 8
       §»35  |
                                                     [S  = Susan, health and safety  officer;  J = John,  medical
      A:  OK, let's go  through the checklist. Today  is  ...?  supplier]
      B:  Tuesday.                                   S:  Hello.  John?
      A:  OK. What's  the vehicle  number?           J:  Hi, Susan. How's  it  going?
      B:  BH324.                                     S:  Great, thanks. Listen, I need  some medical  supplies
      A:  BH324. How  are the  lights?                   for the first  aid  kit. It's almost  empty.
      B:  They're  all fine.                         J:  OK, no  problem.  What  do  y o u  need?
      A:  And the brake lights, too?                 S:  Let's  see,  t w o  rolls of tape, one  tube of  antiseptic
      B:  Yes.  They're  all  OK.                        cream, three boxes of  plasters and  a couple  of
      A:  And  what about the mirrors?                   packets  of  cotton  wool.  Is hat  OK?
      B:  One  is broken.                            J:  Sure. I'll ut h e m at reception. You  can pick h e m
      A:  Hmm, OK. What  about the seat  and seat  belt?  up  tomorrow.
      B:  Both are  OK.                              S:  Thanks. Oh, and one  more hing:  I also  need  a
      A:  And the  tyres?                                bottle  of disinfectant,  please.
      B:  Yes,  they're all good.  The  front ight  looks  a  little  J:  OK,  I've  got  that.  A n y t h i n g else?
          worn, hough.                               S:  No, that's it. Thanks, John.
      A:  No,  it's OK.  Fluids?                     J:  You're  welcome.  Anytime. Take  care  now.
      B:  They're  all full. But there's  a  battery  leak.  S:  You too.  Bye.
      A:  A  leak?                                   J:  Bye.
      B:  Yes.  There's  liquid  under the battery.  A n d there's  a
          crack.                                       § 1 3 9
      A:  Let's  see.  Yes,  it's cracked.  OK,  I'll make  a  note  of  A:  I hear we  have  a new  system  for waste  disposal.
          that.                                      B:  Yes,  that's ight. There's  a notice outside  the
      B:  Is that  it?                                   manager's  office.
      A:  No, what about the  documents?             A:  OK,  let's see.  Manuals  -  they  go  in packaging, right?
      B:  Erm, there are no  documents. They're  missing.  B:  Yes.
      A:  Hmm, OK.  Right.                           A:  A n d  left-over  food  is easy  -  biohazard.
        § > 3 6                                      B:  Yes.
                                                     A:  Steel  pipe  is metal.  H m m , paint tins. Where  do  old
      1   A:  Can  I help  you?                          paint  tins  go?  In the metal  skip?
          B:  Hello, doctor.  Yes,  please.  I hink  I sprained  m y  B:  No,  the metal skip is for clean  metal only. Use  the
              ankle yesterday.  I r i p p e d  on some debris  on  skip  w i t h  the orange  label for  paint tins.
              the  building  site.                   A:  Ah, OK.  What  about  old sheeting?  It's polythene,  I
          A:  Let's  have  a look. Yes,  it's ery  swollen.  You  think. Does it go  in  packaging?
              need  an  X-ray.                       B:  No,  packaging  is  only  for  paper  and cardboard.  Use
      2   A:  What's  up?                                the  mixed  skip.
          B:  It's not me. It's  Ahmed.  He  fell off  the  A:  OK.  A n d the tarmac from the  old  road?  I guess
              scaffolding.  He  broke his  arm.          that's  inert, right?
          A:  I'll call an  ambulance!               B:  No,  w r o n g again. It's  hazardous.
          B:  Yes,  hurry!                           A:  H m m , OK. Wood  is easy. That's  green,  right?
      3   A:  What's the  matter?                    B:  Only  untreated  w o o d  goes in green.  Painted  w o o d  is
          B:  He  burnt  his knee.  He was  welding.     hazardous.
          A:  Ouch!                                  A:  OK, thanks.
                                                     B:  You're  welcome.
      4   A:  I  hurt  my  back  because  the  wheelbarrow  was
              too  heavy.  Can  I go  and see  the  doctor?
          B:  Of course.  Let  me  know what  he  says.  Unit 7 The  contractor's office
      5   A:  That  glass  is sharp. I ut  m y  finger.  § 1 4 0
          B:  Be  careful! You're  d r i p p i n g lood  on  me.
          A:  Sorry!  Any  idea where  the  first  aid kit is?   [AS  =  A r n o l d Schmidt; SR  = Susana  Ramirez;
          B:  In the site manager's  office.         R  =  Receptionist]
          A:  Thanks.                                1   AS:  Hello.  M y  name's  A r n o l d Schmidt. I'm from  the
          B:  And  next ime, wear  gloves.                   Council. I'm here  to  see  Susana  Ramirez.
      6   A:  What  happened?                            R:  Ah, yes.  One  moment,  please.  She's  expecting
          B:  The  pallet  crushed his  hand.                you.
          A:  How?                                   2   SR:  Hello. I'm Susana  Ramirez.  I'm the  general
          B:  It fell off he  truck.                         manager  of  RamCo.  I'm also  the  project
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