Page 80 - English for Construction 1
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manager  in charge  of he Cambridge  Road  AS:  Thank  you.  What  amenities do  you  mean?
                  Hospital  project. You  must be  M r Schmidt.   SR:  Let's  see.  We  have  t w o  banks, a gift shop, wo  cafes,
              AS:  Yes,  that's right. Pleased o meet  you.   a restaurant, a bookshop,  a post  office,  a oy  shop.
          3   SR:  Before  we  start,  w o u l d  y o u  like  coffee?  Oh, and  a fruit  shop.
              AS:  Yes,  please.  W i t h  milk and one  sugar,  please.  AS:  A n d he roof?  How  high is it?
                                                          SR:  The  height rom the op  of  the roof  to the ground  is
          4   SR:  OK.  How  about  if  I ntroduce o u o he  team
                  first?  Then we  can look at the designs  and  y o u  25 m. There  are  five  floors n the building. As  I said,
                  can ask any questions  y o u  have.         the  passage  is glass  and the rest  of the  building  has
              AS:  That sounds  perfect.                      a russed roof  w i t h  terracotta tiles.
          5   SR:  How  long have  we  got?                 € M 3
              AS:  I have  to leave at  11.30. So we've got  about  an  [AS  =  A r n o l d Schmidt; SR  = Susana  Ramirez]
                                                          1   SR:  These are the doors  we  plan o  use n Block  A.
            O 41                                                  They're  all  GRP.
                                                              AS:  Excuse  me  -  GRP?
          [SR  = Susana  Ramirez;  RM  = Rowena  M u r p h y ; AS  =
          A r n o l d  Schmidt;  T M  =  Thomas  McNamara;  JZ  = Julita   SR:  Glass  reinforced  polyester.  It's ery  easy to
          Zielinski; NO  = Nasim  Orgun]                          clean and it doesn't  have  the same  problems
          SR:  So,  this  is Rowena  Murphy.                      that  wooden  or steel doors  have.  For  example,
          RM:  Pleased o meet  you.                               wood  rots and metal  rusts.
          AS:  What  do  y o u do  here,  Rowena?             AS:  I  see.
          RM:  I'm  a  Structural  Engineer.  I do  all the calculations o   SR:  We're using a local manufacturer as the main
              make sure the buildings stay  up.                   supplier, Hingewell  Doors.
          AS:  I  see.                                        AS:  Hingewell  Doors?  Yes,  I  know the owner.  That's
          SR:  A n d his  is  Thomas  McNamara.  He's  a  student   good.
              working  w i t h  us for six  months. He's  w o r k i n g  on  a  2  AS:  What  about he water  supply?  I understand
              residential  project  at he  moment  -  a  block of  flats  there are some  problems.
              in the centre  of o w n .  An  unusual  feature  is the   SR:  Yes,  the water  supply is  a little difficult  due
              garden  on he  roof.                                to the location. There  are problems  with  the
          AS:  How  do  y o u  do?                                water  pressure.  It's not reliable. Sometimes  it's
          T M :  Pleased o meet  you.                             too  high and sometimes  it's too  low.
          AS:  What  are  y o u  studying,  Thomas?           AS:  I  see.
          T M :  Civil engineering.  1 hope  to graduate  next  year.  3  AS:  What  about  parking?
          AS:  Good  luck.                                    SR:  Yes,  parking is difficult n this part of own.  We
          T M :  Thanks.                                          have  plans for  a multi-storey car park.
          SR:  A n d this  is Julita Zielinski. She's  our  Team  AS:  Isn't hat  expensive?
              Assistant. She's n charge  of he staff schedule,  so  SR:  Yes,  it is. But there's  no  other solution. We
              she  makes  sure we  are all in he ight  place  at  the  need  to have  parking for visitors.
              right  time.                                    AS:  Yes,  of  course.
          AS:  Hello,  Julita.                              <5»44
          JZ:  Hello.
           SR:  Julita's  also  the  only one  w h o  knows  how  to fix  the   A  The  r o o m  is rectangular.
               photocopier.                               B   The  truss is triangular.
          AS:  A h .                                      C   The  rod  is circular.
           SR:  This  is Nasim  Orgun,  our Bookkeeper.  She  looks  D  The  damper  is spherical.
               after  our  finances.                      E   The  girder  is  I-shaped.
           AS:  Hi!                                       F   The  beam  is  square.
           NO:  Hello.                                    G   The  can is ylindrical.
           SR:  Erm.  A n d  that's it. We  have  four  more  employees,  £ > 4 5
               but they're  all out of the office  at the  moment.  One
               is  on  holiday and the others  are either isiting   1   cylinder   cylindrical
               clients  or  on  site.                     2   rectangle          rectangular
           AS:  OK.                                       3   triangle           triangular
                                                          4   circle             circular
            » 4 2
                                                            «5»46  |
           [AS  =  A r n o l d Schmidt; SR  = Susana  Ramirez]
           SR:  This  is Block A. This  is all new. The  basic  design  is  A:  Let's  do  the I-shaped  cross-section  first.  All
               arcade  structure. This  means  that there's  a central   dimensions  are in inches. The  flange  w i d t h  is  12.855
               passage  d o w n the  middle of the block,  w i t h  rooms  and he flange  thickness is 0.960.
               on  each  side. The  passage is glass  covered.  B:  12.855 and  0.960. Right.
           AS:  How  long  is the  passage?               A:  The  web  thickness is  0.605.
           SR:  The  passage is 250  m ong and  16 m wide,  so  it  B:  OK.
               has  an area  of  4000  m 2 . There  are shops  and  other  A:  The  beam  height is 24.48 and the area  is 38.5 n 2 .
               amenities  on  each  side,  on the  ground  floor.  B:  38.5.  OK.
           AS:  Sorry. Did  y o u  say  the length is 250  m?  A:  Now,  the  standard channel cross-section.  Again, all
           SR:  Yes,  that's ight.                            dimensions  are in inches. The  depth  is  15, the  width
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