Page 74 - English for Construction 1
P. 74

Audio            script                                          f      *   I

          Unit  1 The  construction  industry                B:   Pardon?
                                                             A:  Burgess. That's  B-U-R-G-E  double  S.
                                                             B:  Thank  you.
              [JT  = Jun Takahashi; IR  = Isabelle  Roux]
              JT:  Hi! I'm Jun Takahashi, rom he  Ministry.
              IR:  Hi,  M r Takahashi. I'm Isabelle  Roux.  I'm rom   [A  =  Ahmed;  T  = Tariq; J =  Jacek]
                  France. I'm he  architect  on  this  project.  A:  Hello. I'm  Ahmed. I'm the electrician. From
              JT:  Ah, I'm  a  building  inspector.              Chestertons.
              IR:  Pleased o meet  you.                      T:  Chestertons, he  subcontractors?
              [KN  = Karol Nowacki;  SC  = Santiago  Cruz]   A:  Yes,  that's ight.
              KN:  Hi! Karol  Nowacki.                       T:  Ah, good o see  you,  Ahmed. I'm Tariq. Roofer.
              SC:  Santiago  Cruz.                               This  is Jacek. He's  a roofer  too.
              KN:  What  do  y o u do,  Santiago?            A:  Hi, Jacek.
              SC:  I'm  a crane  operator.  A n d  you?      J:  Hello,  Ahmed.
              KN:  Me?  I'm  a  roofer.                      T:  A n d that's Luis.
                                                             A:  What  does he  do?
              [KB  = Kamal Boukhaled; SC  = Santiago  Cruz]  T:  He's  a crane  operator.
              KB:  Hi!  M y  name  is Kamal  Boukhaled.      A:   OK.
              SC:  Hi, Kamal. I'm  Santiago.
              KB:  Where  are  y o u  from?                   [K  =  Kim; A  =  Ahmed;  R  = Rob;  P  = Pierre;  L  = Luis;
              SC:  From Caracas,  Venezuela.                 T  = Tariq]
              KB:  Ah, Caracas.  A  beautiful city. I come  from  K:  OK,  everybody.  New  people,  so  please  say
                  Morocco.                                       your  name  and  your job.
                                                             A:  Ahmed. Electrician. From  Chestertons.
              [KB  = Kamal Boukhaled;  KN  = Karol  Nowacki;  R:  Rob.  Labourer.
              IR  = Isabelle  Roux]                          P:   Pierre.  Labourer.
              KB:  Hello.  My  name's  Kamal  Boukhaled.     L:   Luis. Crane  operator.
              KN:  Hi, Kamal. I'm Karol Nowacki.  A n d  this  is  T:  Tariq.  Roofer.
                  Isabelle  Roux.                             K:  A n d  I'm  Kim. Site  manager.
              KB:  Hello,  Isabelle.                          [A  =  Antonio;  A h  =  Ahmed]
              IR:  Pleased o meet  you.                      A:   Hello.  M y  name's  Antonio.
              KN:  What  do  y o u do,  Kamal?               Ah:  Pardon?
              KB:  I'm  a plumber.                           A:   Antonio.
              KN:  I'm  a roofer.  A n d  Isabelle  designs  buildings.
              KB:  She's an architect?                       Ah:  Hi,  Antonio. I'm  Ahmed. Are  y o u the  new
              IR:  Yes,  that's ight.                             electrician?
                                                             A:   No,  I'm  Antonio Rivaldi.  Building  inspector
                                                                  from  the  Ministry.
          A,  H, J,  K                                       Ah:  Ah, OK.  Can  I help  you?
          B, C, D, E, G,  P, T, V,  Z                        A:   I'm looking for  Kim.
          F, L, M, N,  S, X,  Z                              Ah:  Kim, the  site manager?  That's  Kim over  there.
          I,  Y                                               A:  Thank  you.
          Q,  U,  W                                       1   tunnel  -  T-U-N-N-E-L
                                                          2   road  -  R-O-A-D
                                                          3   bridge  -  B-R-I-D-G-E
                                                          4   house  -  H-O-U-S-E
                  Hello.  M y  name's  Trochowski. That's  T-R-O-C-
                  H-O-W-S-K-I.                            5   school  -  S-C-H-0-O-L
                  First  name?                            6   hospital -  H-O-S-P-I-T-A-L
                  Robert.                                 7   apartment -  A-P-A-R-T-M-E-N-T
                  Thank  you.                             8   office  block  -  O-F-F-I-C-E  B-L-O-C-K
                  Carlos.  Carlos  del  Bosque.
                  How  do  y o u  spell that?                     I'm ooking for he site  manager.
                  It's del Bosque.  D-E-L. New  word.  B-O-S-Q-U-E.  Are  y o u rom the  school?
                  Thank  you.
                                                                  Yes,  that's right.
                  Sasha  Burgess.
                                                                  I'm he crane  operator  on the new  bridge.
                                                                  Pleased o meet  you.
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