Page 51 - English for Construction 1
P. 51
Vocabulary 3 Tick / the items you need to treat a ut finger.
a bandage |
a roll of tape 1 n
Put these sentences for he reatment of a cut finger in the correct order.
Q Clean the cut under running water.
I | Cover the cut with a dressing or plaster.
I | Put on disposable gloves.
[T| Wash your hands.
I | Dry the cut using a dressing or cotton wool.
Imagine a worker cut his finger yesterday. Write down how you treated t. Use
the verbs n the box to help you.
cleaned covered dried put on washed
Listening 6 Listen and compare. Is anything different to he way you treated the
finger in 5?
7 Listen to a health and -two rolls of (I)
safety officer ordering supplies
<me tube of <m-tiseptic (2).
from a medical supplier for the
•tUree boxes of (3)
first aid kit and complete this list.
« couple of packers of (V)
a bottle of (S")
Speaking 8 Work n pairs and take urns. Choose one of the injuries in 1. Tell your partner
about the njury and explain how t happened. Your partner explains what o do
using the phrases in the box.
call an ambulance get the first aid kit go to hospital see the doctor
take an X-ray
A: I cut my finger on some broken glass.
B: OK. I need to get the hrst aid kit. First, I need to clean the cut...
Health and safety 6 49