Page 47 - English for Construction 1
P. 47
4 Use clues 1-9 o fill n the squares. What health and safety advice do y o u read
in he column?
C l u e s :
1 overhead ••••••
2 surface ••••••••
3 falling. •••••••
4 suspended. • ••
5 hazard • ••
6 stand • •••
7 lift truck • ••
8 dog • •••
9 safety. •••••••
Listening 5 Listen o eight conversations and match hem o the signs in 2.
1 Conversation 1 a) A
2 Conversation 2 b) B
3 Conversation 3 c) C
4 Conversation 4 d) D
5 Conversation 5 e) E
6 Conversation 6 0 F
7 Conversation 7 g) G
8 Conversation 8 h) H
Look at these photos. What are A-E called? Listen again and check your
Speaking 7 Work in pairs. What other safety signs do y o u know/see on site? Discuss w i t h
your partner. Take urns to say what the signs mean.
Health and safety 6 4