Page 20 - English for Construction 1
P. 20

The    apprentice

                        L i s t e n i n g  1  2i!XEI  Listen to  a conversation  between  a foreman  and  an apprentice  and
                                     complete  these  sentences  about  Mickey, the  apprentice.
                                     1  Mickey's  real name  is
                                     2  He comes rom
                                     3  He  lives n                .
                                     4  He  goes o                  college.
                                     5  He's  a(n)
                                     6  He's                  years  old.
                                  2  l E ^ ^ I  Listen to  an apprentice,  Jeff,  asking Mickey  questions  about  his
                                     birthday  party and  complete  this nformation.
                                      1  When:
                                     2  Where:
                                     3  Mickey's  telephone  number:
                       L a n g u a g e  3  Match questions  1-7  to answers  a-g.
                                      1  How  old are  you?                             a)  Yes,  please.
                                      2  What's  your  name?                            b)  It's 265775.
                                      3  Where  do  you  live?                          c)  It's seven  o'clock.
                                      4  Coffee?                                        d)  I'm  33.
                                      5  What's  your telephone  number?                e)  It's John Smith.
                                      6  How all  are  you?                             0  In  Paris.
                                      7  What  time  is it?                             g)   I'm  1.78  m.
                                  4   Complete  this orm  with nformation about  yourself.

                                      Name:   ( 1 ) .

                                    S u r n a m e :  (2).

                                   N i c k n a m e :  (3).
                                    A d d r e s s :  (4).

                            Telephone  number:  (5).

                                        Age:  (6).
                                Height  (in  cm):  (7)

                        S p e a k i n g  5  Work n pairs. Practise  this  conversation.
                                      A:  What's  your  telephone  number?
                                      B:  It's       And  yours?
                                      A:  It's
                                      A:  How  old  are  you?
                                      B:  I'm         And  you?
                                      A:  I'm
                                      A:  Where  do  you  live?
                                      B:  In/At         And  you?
                                      A:  I  live  in/at
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