Page 18 - English for Construction 1
P. 18


                      Vocabulary  1  Match  diagrams  A - H  to  the verbs  in the  box.

                                      adjust  attach  fill  in  fit  join  level  nail  slide  onto

                                                                                 • • 5

                                  2   Look  at these diagrams  of  scaffolding  and complete the apprentice's  notes.
                                      Then  underline  the verbs n the  notes.
                                                                               Erecting  scaffolding
               •                                  •
                                                             jack              Fill  in k e  holes  and  level  the  area.  Nail
                                guardrail   planking                           the  (1)      p |
                                                        \  /      base  plate                  a  t  e  s  l  o  i  k  w u a s i l l !
                 ladder                                                        Sliae  the  frames  Onto  the jacks.  Adjust
                                                                    mudsill    the jacks.  Use  ( Z )  p i n s  flna

                                                        ^ ^ " ^  nails         locking  pins o join  the  frames.  Attach  |
                                                   r               coupling    Fit  the  planking.  Attach  the  guardrails.
                                                     locking    1 1  P         A t t a c h  the  ladder.  Inspect  the  scaffold!
                                                                   P i ni n
                                                     pin                       Remember!
                                                    A - \    1
                        base  plate                 4    J  1                  Don't  climb  the  scaffolding.  Use  the
                                                                                            Don't  use  bricks  to  leve
                                                                               C 3 )
                                                                               the  frames.  Use  the  ( 4 )
                                                                               Don  i  forget  to  use  loclom
                       L a n g u a g e

                 T h e  i m p e r a t i v e
                  We  can  use the  imperative  to give  instructions.  Fill  in  the  holes.
                  Use  don't  (do  not)  before the  verb  to give  negative  instructions.  Don't  climb  the  scaffolding.
                  We  can  use the  present  simple  instead  of the  imperative  for  You  level  the  frames.
                  informal  instructions.

                 S e q u e n c e r s
                  We  can  use  first,  next,  then,  after  that,  etc. to describe  the  First,  fill  in  the  holes.  Next,  adjust  the  jacks.
                  order  of  instructions.                           Then,  fit  the  planking.

                          W r i t i n g  3  Work  in pairs. Close your  books. Write  instructions for  erecting  scaffolding.

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