Page 29 - Book #5 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 29
What are you doing tomorrow?
4 rtl Complete the questions and answers. Use the words in brackets ( ... ).
A Right, Sally. We need to get together. When can we meet? DJ What are you doing (do) tomorrow?
B Tomorrow IT] I ______ (work) all day.
And then in the evening [I] 1 ____ (go) to the ____ .
A Oh, interesting! What m _____ you _____ (go/see)?
B It's a new French film called Passion.
A What about Tuesday?
B On Tuesday [I] I _______ (have) lunch b~i2Ilf~J with some girl-friends,
and in the afternoon III we __ -'-__ (go) _____
A All right. Wednesday. How are you for Wednesday'
and in the afternoon [1J I _ _____ (play) tennis.
A Thursday?
B On Thursday [IJ I ------- (see) Henry for coffee, L;:~~~~~~~~--,
and in the evening some friends ~ _______ (come) for dinner.
So on Thursday afternoon [ill I ______ (cook).
A Oh, very nice. What [ill __ you _ ___ (go/cook)?
B Tomato soup and roast chicken.
A OK! Stop! It's too difficult to find a time when you're free.
Unit 14 • It's time to go! 83