Page 26 - Book #5 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 26

It's time to go!

                                                Future plans  •  Grammar revision
                                                Vocabulary revision  •  Social expressions (2)

      ~ STARTER                             SEVEN  COUNTRIES  IN  SEVEN  DAYS!
                                            Future plans
          1  Write the form of transport.

                                            1  Bill and Gloria BigeIow are from the US. Next week
                                               they are going on holiday to Europe. Look at the map
                                               and answer the questions.
            1  ___  _  2 ___  _                1  Which seven countries are they going to visit?
                                               2  Where does the holiday begin? Where does it end?
                                               3  How are they travelling?
                                            2  Read the holiday information and check your answers.

            3 ___         4  ([(1(\'\

            5 ___  6 ___ _

                                                           ............ "

                                      ,                             •••••  •
            7 ___                    I'                         ~(1:.

          2  How do you travel? Where to?

             I u~ually tOllle to ~thool by bu~
             but today I taille by tar.
            SOllletillle~ I travel by .. .

                                                 HOLIDAY INFORMATION
                                             o SUNDAY COLUMBUS AIRPORT, OHIO, US -LONDON ENGLAND
                                              Fly overn ight to London.

                                             e MONDAY LONDON, ENGLAND
                                              Check into hotel. Bus tour of London, visit Buckingham Palace, the Houses of
                                              Parliament, the Tower of London. See the city from the London Eye.
       104  Unit 14  •  It's time to go!
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