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P. 88

manager  n  l'ma:n ld30(r)1                              ice-cream  11  /'al skri:ml
       music  n  I'mju:zlki                                     identity  fl  !al'dentJti!
       near  ad)  Int:l(r)1                                     languages  11  pI  1'1a:1j9Wld31z1
       new  ad)  Inju :1                                        list  n  IlI stl
       nice  ad)  Inalsl                                        love  v  IIAVI
       north  ad}  Ino,OI                                       Mex..ico  n  I'mekslk;)u/
       notice  v  /'n30tlsl                                     mill ionaire  11  l,milj;)'nco(r)1
       of course  I';)v  'b:s/                                  nat ionalities  11 pI  l, nceJ;)'mc1ot izl
       office  11  /'DfIS/
                                                                orange  11  l'nrmcl3/
       our  !ao:::J(r)1
                                                                order  v  !''J:dd(r)1
       part of (something)  n  !'pO:1 ov!
                                                                pair (of)  11  Ipeo(r) (,v)1
       part-rime  ad)  I,pa:t 'Ialm!
                                                                party  11  I'po:til
       police  n  Ipo' Li;s/
                                                                pizza  11  l'pi:tSdl
       realty  ad)  I'ri::lli/
                                                                play  v  Iple,l
       rock 'n' rolt  n  I, rok;m 'r;;)ol/
                                                                Portugal  11  l' po,'Jugll
       smalt  adj  Ism;):I!                                     pounds  11  pi  !paondzl
       spell  v  l,peV                                          prices  1I pi  I'pralslzl
       sport  11  Isp'J: t!                                     restaurants  11  pi  I' restfont sl
       sports centre  11  l'sp'J;ts ,scnt a(r)/
                                                                skiing  11  l'ski:IU!
       their  loca(r)/
                                                                sometimes  adv  l 'sAmt almzl
       together  adv  It:l'gco:l(r)/                            speak  v  Ispi:kI
       university  n  l,j U:nt 'V3:sol il                       swimmi ng  11  l'swlml l]l
       us  pron  IAS!                                           Switzerland  n  /'sw lt s;;l l~nd/
       village  11  !'villd31                                   tennis  11  /'tenl s/
                                                                terrible  ad)  !'ter3bll
       want  v  !wDntl
                                                                the best  ad}  Ill, 'bestl
       The family                                               twin  11  Itwml
       brother  11  /'brAo3(r)!
                                                               waiter  11  l'weIla(r)1
       daughter  11  !'d:::J:t..,(r)/
                                                               wine  11  /waml
       father  11  l'fa:o:::J(r)1
       husband  n  l' hAzb:::Jndl                               Nationalities
       mother  11  /'mAo:l(r)1                                 American  l:l'mcn bnl
       parents  1'1  pi  I'pe:lr:lnts!                          Brazilian  Ibrd'Z11idnl
       sister  11  I'sls{;;)(r)1                               Chinese  ItJal 'ni: zJ
       son  11  !sAn/                                           French  IfrentJI
       wife  n  /walf!                                         German  l'd33: m;:)nI
                                                                Italian  /I'tcelianl
                                                               Japanese  l,d3cepa'ni: zI
       .".. UNIT 5                                             Mexican  !'mekslbnl
                                                               Portuguese  l, p::l:tJu'gi:zI
                                                               Spanish  l'spcelllJI
       actor  11  l'cekt3(r)!
       Arabic  n  l'<er3bdJ                                    Numbers 40- 100
                                                               forty  I'fo,(il
       beer  11  tblo(r)1
                                                               fifty  I'f, ft il
       blue  ad}  Iblu )
                                                               Sixty  /'slksti/
       cheese  11  ItJi: zJ                                    seventy  I'sev;;,ntil
       chocolate  n  l'tJDklotl  .                             eighty  I'e'til
       Coke  11  !buk!                                         ninety  I'na mtil
       Come here!  l ,kAm  'hlo(r)1                            one hundred  IWAn  'hAndr;)dl
       count  v !kaontl
       delicious  ad)  !dl 'hJ:lsI
       drama  11  I'dro;m;)/                                         UNIT 6
       drink  v  IdrllJk/
       eat  v  li:tl
                                                               all  day  ad}  1,0,1  'de,1
       exciting  ad)  hk'smtllJl
                                                               always  adv 1';):lwclzI
       flat  11  !fIret!                                       artist  1"1  /'o:ost/
       food  11  Ifu ,d/                                       as usual  I'JZ  'jU:3uol/
       guys  11  pi Iga,11                                     at the weekend  lot 00 ,wi:k'endl
                                                               allnt  "  lo: nll
       how much?  I, hao 'mAtS/

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