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P. 84

UNIT  11                                                UNIT 12

       ,, 11.1  can                                            ,, 12.1  would like
                                                                  We use would like to ask for things.
        I               swim.
        You             drive.
        He/She/It   can                                            You
        We                                                         He/She    'd like a cup of tea.
                        run fast.
        They                                                       We
                                                               2  We use  Would . . like? to offer things.
        You             draw.
        He/She/It   can't   speak German.                                  you
        We              play golf.                                 Would   he/she    like some cake?
        They                                                               they

       Questions with question words                           3  Look at the answers.
                                                                                          Yes,  please.
        What                    you do?                           Would you like a cup of tea?   No,  thank you.
        ·When              can   1 go  home?                      We use would like, not want, to be polite.
                                                                  I'd like a coffee, please . .  NOT   [Htwt a caifee.
        How many languages      he speak?
                                                               4  We can use would like with another verb.
       Yes/No questions and short answers                         Would you like to go out tonight?
        Can you swim?     Yes, I can.                             What would you like to do?
        Can he play tennis?   No, he can't.
                                                               ~ 12.2  some and any
                                                               1  We use some in positive sentences.
       ~ .2  Modal verbs
                                                                   I'd  like       ham.
       Can is a modal verb. Vve don't use dol doesldon'tl doesn't with can.   There's   some   cheese.
       I can't swim.       NOT     I dan't edil su illl.           'liVe  have     books.
       Can you cook?       NOT     Dd )tlN fcW  etJtJh?
       She can't speak Spanish.   NOT   She daesll'f eail .    2  We use any in questions.
       They can't dance.   NOT     'FIle>  dail't eaH ...
                                                                   Is there          ham?
       ,... 11.3  Adverbs                                          Do you have   any   money?
                                                                   Are there         people?
         Adverbs give more information about verbs.
         go fast   draw well   sing beautifully                3  'liVe  use any in negatives.
       2  Notice the ·word order.                                  TIlere isn't      bread.
         You speak English well.   NOT   Yalt speak  ,fell Eitglish.   'Ne don't have   any   friends.
         He drives his car fast.   NOT   .tIe eh i. es fast his tal.   There aren't   books.
       3  Regular adverbs end in -ly.
                                                               4  We use some when we offer things or ask for things.
         Adjective  -  Adverb
         fluent       fluently
                                                                   "Vould you like      wine?
         beautiful     beautifully                                 Can I have    some   cheese?
         slow          slowly
         careful       carefully
         usual         usually                                                                                        \
                                                               P  12.3 like and would like                              ,
       4  Some adverbs are irregular.
                                                                  We use like and like doing to talk about things we always like.
         Adjective  -  Adverb
         good          well                                       I like coffee.   (= r always enjoy coffee.)
                                                                  She likes swimming in summer.
         fast         fast
                                                                  What do you like doing at the weekend?
         late          late
         early         early                                   2  vVe use would like to talk about things we want now or soon.
         hard          hard
                                                                  I'd like a cup of tea.   (= I want a cup of tea now or soon.)
                                                                  She's hot.  She'd like to go swimming.
                                                                  What would you like to do tonight?

    128  Grammar Reference ll.l-12.3
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