Page 59 - English for Construction 1
P. 59
Listening 6 ________ L i s t e n t o a s t r u c t u r a l e n g i n e e r d e s c r i b i n g t h e d i m e n s i o n s of t w o
beams: an I-shaped cross-section and a standard channel cross-section, and a
rod. Complete these tables.
flange width (w)
(h) J\ |~- web thickness (b)
length (I)
_ flange thickness (t) radius (r)
l-shaped cross-section Standard channel cross-section Rod
Flange width: (1) Depth (h): (6) Radius (r): (10)
Flange thickness: (2) Width (w): (7) Length (I): (11)
Web thickness: (3) Web thickness (s): (8)
Beam height: (4) Area: (9)
Area: (5)
L a n g u a g e
E x p r e s s i o n s
Note how we say dimensions: 3.520 = three point five two oh
0.370 = (nought/zero/oh) point three seven oh
(We do NOT say three point fifty-two, or three point five hundred
and twenty.)
1 inch = approximately 25 millimetres This board is 30 x 600. = This board is 30 by 600.
7 Write these dimensions in words.
1 2.345 2 0.146 3 35.290 4 63.38 5 3.402
S p e a k i n g 8 Work in pairs to complete these dimensions. Student A look at the information
on this page. Student B look at the information on page 70.
A: What are the dimensions of the rod?
B: It's 4.35 metres long, ....
A: What about the radius?
B: The radius is ... .
The contractor's office 1 »