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P. 62
n = noun
Word list Here is a list of most of adj = adjective pi = plural pron = pronoun
the new words in the units
v = verb
adv = adverb
of New Headway Beginner cotlj = conjunction prep = preposition infml = informal
fourth edition Student's Book.
!IF UNITl four Ifo,(r)1
". five !falv!
six ISlksl
and con) hcnd/, hmd!
seven I'sevn/
bag n ibregl eight leJl I
book n Ibukl nine Inam!
bus 1J /bAS/ ten lIen!
Bye! IbaI!
camera n j'kremr;;,!
car 11 Iko:(r)/ IF" UNIT 2
coffee n /'kofil ".
computer n Ikom'pju; ta(r)!
about prep I;)'bautl
cup 11 IkApt
awful ad} l 'o,fU
day 11 fdel!
beautiful adj I'bju:tlfll
English adj, n l' IQghJI
building 11 I'bildll)/
everyday ad) /'eAfideIl
centre adj l 'sent;)(r)1
fine ad) tfam!
cities n pi I'sHizi
first name n j'f3:st ,nc lm/
cOllntries n pi l'kAntrizl
Good afternoon! (gud ,o:ftJ'nu:ni
doctor n /'dokt'J(r)1
Good morning! /god 'm::>;fl1oJ
fantastic adj Ifren'trest dcl
Good night! /god'nm tl
find v Ifa mdl
Goodbye l Igud'baIl
from prep !froml
hamburger n l'ha::mb3:go(r)J
hear v Ihl'J(r)!
Have a nice day! I,hocv J nal s 'dell
her Ih3,(r)/
hello n Ihel 'oul
his 1h131
house 11 Ihausl
hospital n I'hosplt ll
How are you? I,hau J 'ju:/
how old? Ihau ';)uld!
lovely ad) j'lh vlil
look at (5th) v l'luk 011
my /mml
map 11 Imrepl
name n /nelmi married adj I'mreridl
Nice to meet you. I,na ls ta 'mi; t jut
on holiday Ion 'hol;)dell
OK ad} 1,00 'ke,1
people n pi I'pi,pll
phone n Ifou n!
really good adj l,ri;:)li 'guel/
photograph 11 Nout~gro; f1
please /pli:zI school n /sku;1/
sandwich n l'srenwnJI these pron loi:zi
See you later! I,si: ju 'Ielt;:>(r)/ too adv Itu :!
Sleep well! I's li: p ,well weather 11 l'weo'J(r)1
surname 11 I's3:nelml where? adv Iwe'J(r)1
tea 11 Iti:l world 1I IW3:1dl
television 11 /'tell vI3n/
thank you 1'9rel)kju:/
Australia 11 lo'streili;,1
than ks le"'oksl
Brazil 11 Ibr'J'Zlll
this pron /' ()IS/
Canada 11 /' kren;)d;)1
today n /t~ 'de l l
China 1I l'tfall1;)1 \
very well I,veri 'well Egypt 11 I'i ,d3lpll
what? I,wotl England n l'll]gl:andi
with prep /wJi)/ France 11 Ifra:nsl
Hungary n l'hAl]g;)ril
your Ij:):(r)1
Italy 1'1 1'l t;)liJ
Numbers 1- 10 Japan n Id3;)'prenl
one !wAn/ Russia 11 I'rAf;)1
two Itu :! Spain n Ispeml
three leri:! the United States n pt
loa jU,na ltJd 'stelt sl
BD Word list