Page 40 - Book #2 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 40
At a party
1 Flavia and Terry are at a party in London.
mm Listen to the conversation.
Tick (.f) what Terry says.
1 D I work in London.
D I don't work in London.
2 D I live in London.
D I don't live in London.
3 D I'm a doctor.
D I'm an actor.
4 D You speak English very well.
D You don't speak English very well.
S D I like Ital y.
D I love Italy.
6 D I know Naples very well.
D I don't know Naples.
7 D I like Rome very much.
D I like Naples very much, too.
8 D I speak French and Italian.
D I don't speak Italian.
2 Look at mm on pll S. Practise the
conversation with a partner.
3 You are at a party. Work with a partner. What are J/ll'\e~ BonJ ...
the questions?
In ~io, BtUinj I a"J LOI)Jol'} .•.
Hello' What's . .. ?
• Where ... live? Three ve(y bi) ap4rt fl1ellts ...
... you have a house or a flat?
A spy ... All D'ier the worIJ .. ·
What .. . job?
Where . .. work? Si)( - french J.' .
How many languages ... speak?
S kiin~1 ...
What sports .. . you like?
4 Think of a new identity. Make notes to answer
the questions in exercise 3.
5 Stand up! Find out about other people at the party.
38 Unit 5 • The way I live