Page 29 - Book #2 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 29
Negatives Questions I, you, we, they
3 IDI Listen and repeat. 6 Im Listen and repeat.
Do you like football? Yes, I do.
Do you like tennis? No, I don't.
7 Work with a partner. Ask and answer about sports,
food, and drinks.
Do you like teHHis?
No, I dOH't, but I like swimmiHg.
8 II!JI Harvey has a twin sister, Eva. Listen to them.
What do they like? (.I) What dont they like? (X)
What do they say? Write the adjectives.
4 Say three things you don't like from pictures 1-15 on p32.
Positive I like ice-cream. fantastic
Negative I don't like tennis. don't ; do not
5 IDI Listen to Harvey. Complete his sentences.
I pizza L L . delioious
2 ice-cream
3 tea
4 skiing
5 football
9 Talk about Harvey and Eva with a partner. What do
they like?
They like pizza aHd ...
'] like sports a lot. ] like and ___ _
Positive f/You/ We/They like football.
but] don't like and] don't like _ _ _ _
Question What do you/they like?
very much:
Do you/they like ... ?
FOOD AND DRINK Short answers Yes, f/we/ they do.
'] like hamburgers and ___ . And] like _ _ _ No, f/we/they don't.
food a lot. But] don't like food and ] don't
~ Grammar Reference 5.1 pU5
like ___ . ] like ___ and] love _ _ _
Unit 5 • The way I live 33