Page 18 - Book #2 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 18
8 rtl Read about these people. Use your dictionary. Answer the questions.
Who's happy? Rich people are happy people,
True or false?
Roman Abramovich
Roman Abramovich is a businessman from Russia, He has $23.5 billion.
He has five houses in London, He also has a farm in Colorado, USA,
and a villa in the south of France. He has five yachts. He also has a lot of
planes - a Boeing 767, an Airbus A340, and three helicopters, He has a
lot of cars, too. And he has a football club, Chelsea Fe.
He has five children. His girlfriend, Daria Zhukova, has a modern art
gallery in Moscow.
He has a lot of problems, Is he happy?
Queen Elizabeth 11
Queen Elizabeth II of England is one ofthe richest women in the world,
She has $600 million. She has a house in Scotland, Balmoral, and a house in
Sandringham, in the east of England. She has paintings by Leonardo da Vinci,
Raphael,Venrneer, Canaletto, Rubens, Rembrandt, and Monet. She also has a
lot of dogs and horses.
She has four children, Her husband, Prince Phillip, is from Greece.
She has a lot of problems, Is she happy?
Tony and Abigail Jones
Tony has a house in London, 'Our house is small, but we love it. My wife's
name is Abigail. We both have good jobs. Abigail's a police officer, and I'm
a teacher We have two children, Oliver and Jess, and their school is five
minutes from our house. We have an old Renault car'
'I have some money, but not a lot. Problems? Of course we have
problems! Everyone has problems! But we're very happy!'
Are the sentences true (.r) or false (.X)?
Roman Abramovich Queen Elizabeth Tony and Abigail
1 0 He is English, 4 0 She has a house in America. 7 0 They have a big house.
2 0 He has lots of houses. S 0 Her paintings are famous. 8 0 They have two children.
3 0 He has problems. 6 0 Her husband is Italian, 9 0 They're rich.
Unit 4 • Family and friends 2S