Page 11 - Book #2 | Student Book | Workbook | Extra Activity | Video| Test
P. 11

my/our/her ...

       2  rtl  Complete the sentences with an adjective in the box.
            your    My    His    Our    Their    Her
                                                                                             ___ classroom
                                                                                    ~---{       is very small.   )-------,

       The family                                                                   l--             ,,---

       3  Look at the family tree. Complete the crossword           'e  4U   IlL 1 0  R  EINI       I--
          with the name of the family relative.                                                     '--
                                                                       r--          -        ,-     -
                                                                 ,.-   r--                          -
                                                                 r--   r--   I'  1        1         -

                                                                                       9  1
                                                                 i--   '--                          -
                                                                 - ,'.                    1
                 James              carrie
                                                                 -                           -

                                                        ACROSS                        DOWN

                                                        3  Dave, Petra, and Belle are   1  James and Carrie are
                                                           Carrie's              (8)     Belle's               (7)
                                                        7  James is Dave's       (6)   2  Petra is James       (8)
                                                        8  Dave is Carrie's      (3)   4  James is Carries     (7)
                                                        9  Carrie is Petra's     (6)   5  Dave is Belle's      (7)
             Dave          petra          Belle        10  Carrie is James'      (4)   6  Petra is Daves       (6)

                                                                                          Unit 4  •  Family and friends   23
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16