Page 67 - English for Construction 1
P. 67

Reading  3  Read these  texts  about three cable-stayed  bridges. Are  sentences  1-5  true  (T)  or
                              false  (F)?  Correct  the  false  sentences.

                he  SutongYangtze              he  R i o n - A n t i r i o n Bridge   heTataraBridge  i n Japan
                River  Bridge n  China         is n Greece.  Completed        has  a total ength  of
          T has    a  m a i n span  of    T in   August 2004, the        T 1480    m,  w i t h  a  m a i n
           1,088  m . There  are  also  side  bridge  is 2,880  m o n g  and  28  m  span of  890  m . The  deck  w i d t h
           spans,  m a k i n g the total  bridge  wide. The  cable-stayed  deck  is  is 30.6 m  and the towers  are
           length  8,206  m. The  t w o  highest  2,252  m  long. It has four  towers,  220  m  high. The Tatara  Bridge
           towers n the bridge  are  306  m  each  220  m  high.         was  completed  i n  M a y  1999.
           high. The  bridge  opened  in  M a y

                               1  The  longest  bridge  is the Sutong Yangtze River  Bridge. (T  / F)
                               2  The  oldest  bridge  is the Tatara Bridge.  (T  / F)
                               3  The  Tatara Bridge  is longer  than  the  Rion-Antirion Bridge.  (T  / F)
                               4  The  Rion-Antirion Bridge  has he highest owers.  (T  / F)
                               5  The  Sutong Yangtze River  Bridge  has the  shortest  main span. (T  / F)
                L a n g u a g e
          Comparative  and  superlative  adjectives
           We  use  comparative adjectives  to  compare  two  The  Rion-Antirion  Bridge  is  longer  than  the  Tatara  Bridge.
           people or things. We  use  superlative  adjectives  The  oldest  bridge  is  the  Tatara  Bridge.
           to describe  one  in a group of three or  more  long  > longer  than  -»  the  longest
           people  or things.                     old  -»  older  than  > the  oldest
                                                  high  ->  higher  than  •  the  highest
                                                  short  -»  shorter  than  -*  the  shortest
                                                  new  -  newer  than  •  the  newest

                               Complete  these  sentences.  There  is  more han  one  correct  answer.
                               1  The  Tatara Bridge  is     than he Sutong Yangtze River  Bridge.
                                  The  Sutong Yangtze River  Bridge  is  than  the  Rion-Antirion Bridge.
                                  The  Rion-Antirion Bridge  is .   . han the Tatara Bridge and .
                                  than the Sutong Yangtze River  Bridge.
                                  The  Sutong Yangtze River  Bridge  is h e .
                                  The  Tatara Bridge  is the
                 Speaking  5   Work n pairs. Make  comparisons  about he bridges n his  table.
                                     Completed     Length            Type          Height  (above water)
          Firth  of  Forth Bridge, Scotland   1890   8,296 feet   cantilever      151  feet
          Golden  Gate  Bridge,  USA  1937      8,981  feet   suspension          220 feet
          Howrah  Bridge, India    1943         705 m         cantilever/suspension   8.8 m

          1  m  =  3.28  feet
                                                                                    Planning ahead  8     65
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